Wolfselsky's Blog for Life

{February 10, 2010}   Myth of the Unfeeling fetus

Well before I get into the facts lets consider how a baby is aborted. First the Abortionist puts a clamp up into the uterus and pulls the feet down into the mothers cervix ( In younger baby’s the limbs are ripped off the body during the procedure and the skull is crushed and pulled out at this point) the baby is delivered except  for the head. Next surgical scissors are plunged into the base of the skull and the brains are vacuumed out. The result is the mother delivers a dead baby. This procedure is preformed on the baby without anesthesia for the child. It has not been determined if baby’s feel pain in their first trimester of life yet it has been determined that by the second trimester they can feel pain.  It has been reported that some baby’s actually scream in pain during the procedure. Why risk causing unnecessary pain to a living being?

{January 20, 2010}   wolfselsky’s First Post

Hi everyone! I would just like to say that my blog is going to  be the most controversial and shocking one you have ever read. You see I’ve decided to blog about abortion. It’s time the truth is revealed, the horrors shown and the myth of the unfeeling fetus exposed. Now before you decide that I’m a horrible person who wants to bash every woman who has had or is considering an abortion , please hear me out. I am not seeking to hurt any one who is going through an unwanted pregnancy  or has undergone an abortion, but I am going to show the truth about it even if it shocking or offensive to some. I’m tired of seeing the truth covered up, and I’m extremely tired of seeing the broken souls that come out of the abortion clinics. I seek not only to stop the killing of unborn children but also to stop the emotional scars left by abortion. I hope that you will open you hearts and minds to what I have to say, and to all my brothers and sisters in Christ  please pray for me I can’t do this alone. P.S. I just want to say thank you to the authors of Do Hard Things,Without your book I would not have had the courage or strength to do this.

et cetera